Yucca Valley, CA
Home MenuSB 1383 Mandatory Organics Recycling
Residents across California are seeing changes to the way organic materials, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, are managed. SB 1383, a statewide effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses, requires all California cities and towns, including Yucca Valley, to reduce organic waste sent to landfills by 75% and recover surplus edible food to feed Californians facing food insecurity.
This means there are some changes in how we ask our residents to sort their organic waste, and in how the Town’s waste hauler, Burrtec, collects and processes organic materials. We appreciate our community’s cooperation and dedication to our Town's goal of creating a more sustainable future for generations to come.
What does this mean for you?
The Town of Yucca Valley’s Organic Recycling Program rolled out in January, 2024. The Town is partnering with our waste hauler, Burrtec, to provide safe and reliable curbside collection services for residents and businesses, including you!
If you have questions about how the program works or what is considered organics, we encourage you to review the useful information and FAQ’s we have included on this page.