Yucca Valley, CA
Home MenuCommunity Center Athletic Facility Masterplan
The project is broken up into four (4) different phases as follow:
Phase 1: Build eight (8) pickleball courts and modify the nearby parking lot to accommodate participants for the new facilities.
Phase 2: Build the plaza with prefabricated restrooms and parameter fencing.
Phase 3: Build the remainder of the pickleball courts (6).
Phase 4: The demolition and reconstruction of the basketball courts.
Estimated Construction Cost
Construction Bid Amount $2,554,825.00
Construction Contingency $245,170.00
Inspection and Testing $25,000.00
Fish and Game Permit $100,000.00
Total Construction Cost $2,925,000.00
FY 2024-25 Construction Budget
County ARPA Fund 574 $1,600,000.00
2022 Debt Service Proceeds Fund 222 $1,325,000.00
Total Project Budget $2,925,000.00
Community Center Athletic Facility Plans
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Documentation:
Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration
Public Review Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration